So we have an asset plan – What now?

This presentation will delve into the financial and operational aspects of council assets and infrastructure, which are crucial for service delivery and pose financial sustainability challenges. We’ll explore how to enhance community engagement by effectively communicating our asset story, address public accountability in asset management, and collaborate to understand opportunities and challenges.

Additionally, we’ll discuss improving analytics and public reporting, adopting best practices, and boosting confidence in developing and delivering robust asset plans for the next four-year cycle.

Ashay Prabhu will present alongside Shahrzad Alami, Senior Asset Management Consultant with Modelve.


Oct 24 2024


1:45 pm - 2:45 pm


  • Ashay Prabhu
    Ashay Prabhu
    Co-Founder Modelve

    Ashay is passionate about capacity building in governments and is an International
    Advisor to GFOA (Govt Finance Association of USA) and Co-Founder of Modelve –
    a strategic asset modeling platform.

    He is passionate about the art of storytelling in long term asset plans – so finance,
    engineering and climate scientists collaborate to bring their combined stories to life.
    Stories that articulate how the community may choose to live in future by
    simulating on multiple scenarios they choose- on the basis of their choices -for
    costs, climate, liveability, comfort, risk and well-being.

    It’s their infrastructure after all…

    Ashay spends a vast majority of time now globally providing masterclasses and
    workshops on training in Strategic Asset Management.

    In the hope that younger practitioners embrace this art of SAM storytelling, so
    future dots can join for our communities…

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