FinPro Webinar – 2023 Asset Update
September 28, 2023On Thursday 28 September 2023 FinPro ran a webinar to have a discussion about assets. Over 140 FinPro members attended this online event.
Over the past two years there has been significant activity in relation to assets. This has included changes to AASB13 as well as a range of issues reported by VAGO and the Auditors-General from other jurisdictions. The session will provide an overview of the key asset accounting, audit and asset management issues, how they impact asset accounting and valuation for VIC local governments and discussion on the options available to councils to address some of the major changes.
FinPro Executive Committee members Chen Wei (CFO Yarra City Council) and Melissa Baker (Manager Financial Strategy South Gippsland Shire) facilitated the session.
Our Presenter was David Edgerton, Director APV Valuers and Asset Management and we thank him very much for sharing his knowledge and passion on all things assets.
David’s presentation slides are available here: Presentation Slides
A copy of the webinar recording is available now here: