FinPro Advocacy: Need for a more Sustainable Future for Local Government

May 23, 2024

Local Government Finance Professionals (FinPro) is the peak body servicing local government finance professionals in Victoria. One of our roles is to provide advocacy on behalf of our members.

The Victorian State Government, via the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee, is currently holding an Inquiry into Local Government Funding and Service Delivery in Victoria.

Inquiry into Local Government funding and services (

Submissions have been sought by the Committee and FinPro has sought the expertise of The AEC Group to assist in the preparation of a detailed report to support our submission to the Inquiry.

A copy of the summary report is available here.

A copy of the detailed report is available here.

FinPro will use this detailed report as the basis of our submission.  If you have any comments, as always, we welcome your feedback via email

We note that FinPro aims to collaborate with the sector and State Government to benefit our communities, and we recognise that Councils play a crucial role and are part of the solutions in ensuring the financial sustainability of the sector. 


The Federal Government is also currently holding an Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability and submissions have been sought by the Committee running the Inquiry.  FinPro has made a submission.  A copy of the submission is available here.

Thank-you to all FinPro members who have provided input into this report.