Local Government Bill ED Review – FinPro Submissions
August 20, 2018Ince 2015 o review and rewrite the Local Government Act. There have been a number of working parties involved in this project, each focussing on a specific aspect of the Ac
During the course of this submissions have been sought from interested persons, groups or organisations.
In line with one of our key objectives to provide advocacy for local government practitioners on issues, which affect the industry as a whole, and to act as the focal point of reference by regulatory bodies on financial issues affecting the sector, FInPro has made a number of submissions along the way.
By way of reference, we provide a copy of the 3 submissions FinPro has made during this process.
Submission 1: SUBMISSION STAGE 1 Finpro Submission 17 December 2015 – Review of Local Government Act
Submission 2: SUBMISSION STAGE 2 Local Government Act_Review Directions Paper – Fin Pro Submission Final (002)
Submission 3: SUBMISSION STAGE 4 – FinPro Submission No. 4 – Local Government Act March 2018