FinPro Conference – 11 -13 November 2015 At Peppers The Sands, Torquay
September 17, 2015
Speaker at Business Conference and Presentation. Audience at the conference hall.
CHANGE ADAPT THRIVE – The theme for the 2015 FinPro Conference, to be held at Peppers The Sands Torquay from 11 – 13 November.
We believe that adopting a ‘can-do’ attitude of moving forward, changing to times and adapting to that change will allow both our organisations and ourselves to truly thrive. Many of our key presentations will be built around this theme however we will also have presentations which address key current technical issues such as Rate Capping. I understand these are also enormously important to us as Local Government Finance Professionals.
We are privileged this year to have Mr Abdi Aden provide our Key Note Address at the Conference Opening Dinner on Wednesday 11 November. Abdi is the epitome of someone who has adopted the approach to life of ‘Change Adapt and Thrive’, having arrived in Australia from Somalia over 15 years ago with no family, no money and at only 15 years of age. Abdi has not only survived in our country, he has learnt, adapted, rebuilt, engaged, studied, worked and thrived. Amongst a number of different roles he has had he has over 10 years’ experience working in Local Government at 3 different metropolitan Councils as a Youth Worker. He understands not only the theme, but also Local Government and will share his story and his thoughts with us.
The conference is not only about learning though. It also provides opportunities for delegates to develop their skills, share best practice initiatives between fellow delegates and it promotes professional networking opportunities.
I encourage you all to make the most of this opportunity to learn, network with fellow delegates, to meet and talk to our sponsors, and participate in the discussions. Most of all share your valuable experiences with other delegates throughout the conference.
Bookings may now be made for the 2015 FinPro Conference via this website – just go to the events page and register.
I would like to thank our many sponsors for their support of FinPro and of our Annual Conference. Their support is vital to the success of the conference and to enabling FinPro to be able to offer a wonderful program.
On behalf of the Executive I sincerely hope that you are able to join us at an enjoyable conference, and I look forward to your company in Torquay from 11 – 13 November.
Shane Marr
President – FinPro